Posted on 4/29/2018
If you drive, you know at some point, something's going to go wrong with your vehicle. And sometimes, it's pretty easy to figure out what's wrong, like a flat tire. But sometimes your vehicle's symptoms can be really puzzling. One driver in Missouri was heading to work on a hot July day and noticed when he pressed the accelerator, sometimes it wouldn't do anything. He also noticed his cruise control wouldn't work and his traction control light was constantly on, very unusual. He was trying to figure it out, but none of it made any sense. His cruise control had always worked perfectly, his traction light never had gone on before and there was never any issue pressing on the accelerator. It was time to take his car in for a professional diagnosis, and boy, was he surprised that it was a freak accident he'd had the previous WINTER that was the root of his problems. You see, in January, his car had slipped on ice when he was in reverse and had gently tapped a tree ... read more
Posted on 4/29/2018
If you drive, you know at some point, something's going to go wrong with your vehicle. And sometimes, it's pretty easy to figure out what's wrong, like a flat tire. But sometimes your vehicle's symptoms can be really puzzling. One driver in Missouri was heading to work on a hot July day and noticed when he pressed the accelerator, sometimes it wouldn't do anything. He also noticed his cruise control wouldn't work and his traction control light was constantly on, very unusual. He was trying to figure it out, but none of it made any sense. His cruise control had always worked perfectly, his traction light never had gone on before and there was never any issue pressing on the accelerator. It was time to take his car in for a professional diagnosis, and boy, was he surprised that it was a freak accident he'd had the previous WINTER that was the root of his problems. You see, in January, his car had slipped on ice when he was in reverse and had gently tapped a tree ... read more
Posted on 4/23/2018
When autumn comes around in Florissant, leaves fall, nights get longer and there's a definite nip in the air. Time to unpack the boots and gloves and fold some extra blankets onto the beds. It's also time for Florissant drivers to winterize their vehicles.Here is some expert auto advice for Florissant drivers on what vehicles need to keep everyone safe and rolling throughout the Missouri winter months.1. Check your antifreeze. Top it off or change it if necessary. You don't want your radiator, engine or hoses freezing up. If your vehicle isn't generating enough heat to keep you warm, your antifreeze might be low, or you might have a thermostat problem. Either way, you should get it checked out before the full force of Missouri winter sets in. If you are due for a cooling system service at garysautorepair in Florissant, get that done as well.2. Check your brakes. The slushy wet conditions of winter increase stopping distances. Ice exacerbates the proble ... read more
Posted on 4/16/2018

Knowing how their engine works can help Florissant drivers make informed decisions about auto care and prevent repairs to their vehicles. This is especially true when it comes to timing belts.An engine's power is generated in the cylinders. Inside the cylinder is a piston that moves up and down while the engine is running. Power is generated in a cycle that includes four strokes of the piston. First, the piston drops and a valve at the top of the cylinder opens to let in fuel and air. The piston then rises, which compresses the fuel and air. At this point, the spark plug fires, igniting the fuel and pushing the piston down. This downstroke transfers energy to the engine, which provides the power it needs to run. The piston rises again, and a valve opens to release the exhaust.All of this movement is orchestrated by a timing belt. The timing belt is so named because it keeps the pistons and valves operating in synch with each other, just as a conductor keeps all of ... read more
Posted on 4/9/2018
Let's talk about something critical for all Florissant drivers: your brakes. Your vehicle is heavy, and it takes a lot of muscle to bring it and your passengers to a safe stop – so everything needs to be in good working order. Here's an explanation on how your disc brakes work: The wheel hub keeps your wheel attached to your vehicle. The brake disc – or rotor – is attached to the hub and rotates with the wheel as you drive around Florissant. Your brake pads clamp onto the rotor to slow the wheel.The brake caliper straddles the rotor and squeezes the rotor to slow it down. The calipers contain brake pads which press on the rotor when you put your foot on the brake. The brake piston causes the calipers to squeeze and release as you use your vehicle brakes.Your brake pads start to wear the first time you step on the brakes. Eventuall ... read more
Posted on 4/2/2018

With high fuel prices in Florissant, Missouri, comes lots of gas saving advice. Some of it, like what you hear on is great. When you get one of those e-mails that's going around telling you how to save gas, try to think it through.Does it really make sense? Does it defy the laws of physics?Do some research on the internet or ask your Florissant, Missouri, service advisor at garysautorepair.There aren't any magic pills you can drop in your gas tank, and the government hasn't suppressed a device you can clamp on your fuel line to make your vehicle run on air. Not even in Florissant!So next time you get one of those e-mails, check it out with an automotive professional. You'll get more bang for your buck with an oil change or an engine air filter replacement.We're here for you at garysautorepair, so give us a call at 314-831-5843 for good honest advice about your vehicle. garysautorepair 1779 N Hwy 67 Florissant, Mi ... read more