Posted on 6/24/2018
Uneven tire wear, the car pulling to one side or a steering wheel that is off-center are signs for Florissant drivers that their wheels may be out of alignment.When doing an alignment inspection, the service advisor at garysautorepair will inspect your tires for uneven wear as well as suspension and steering parts for signs of wear or damage. He?ll also compare your current alignment with the vehicle manufacturer?s settings.Your vehicle owner?s manual will have a recommendation for when to check alignment. Of course, this recommendation is based on normal driving. If you have been in a crash, hit a curb/pothole, frequently drive off-road around Florissant, or notice any symptoms of misalignment, have your garysautorepair service advisor perform an important alignment check.garysautorepair1779 N Hwy 67Florissant, Missouri 6303331
Posted on 6/18/2018
Your auto air conditioning system cools and conditions the air in your passenger compartment when you are driving around Florissant. It also removes moisture from the air to keep your windows from fogging up.A common A/C problem for Florissant drivers that visit garysautorepair is contaminated refrigerant (the gas that cools the air). The inside of the A/C hoses deteriorates over time and tiny fragments of rubber clog passages. This makes the system less efficient and overworks various components.Leaks can develop at seals and gaskets and may reduce the amount of refrigerant, causing the system to work too hard to compensate. Dirty components can have the same consequences.Ask your garysautorepair service advisor for an air conditioning system inspection to make sure everything is up to spec.garysautorepair1779 N Hwy 67Florissant, Missouri 63033314-831-5843  
Posted on 6/11/2018

A lot of Florissant drivers have asked whether or not they should use their severe service maintenance schedule, which is listed in their vehicle's owner's manual. It can be somewhat confusing, so we decided to consult an expert. Cricket Killingsworth is from QMI/Heartland, a manufacturer of automotive products and fluids. She's been in the automotive business for over 30 years and is a speaker, a trainer and a writer. Cricket says there's so much confusion on this topic because, "Most owner's manuals actually have two maintenance schedules. Sometimes these are called 'regular service' and 'severe service.' Sometimes they're simply called Schedule 1 and Schedule 2. A severe service schedule recommends that things like an oil change, air filter replacement and transmission service be done more often: either in fewer miles or in less time." Foreign and domestic vehicle manufacturers create a specific schedule for each vehicle they manufacture ... read more
Posted on 6/3/2018
We don't want to think about it, but each Florissant resident who drives or rides in a vehicle is potentially an accident victim. In the worst-case scenario, those people are unconscious and unable to communicate with Missouri rescue workers. Rescue workers and Florissant police are well aware of this difficulty, even if the rest of us don't stop to think about it. They can all recount stories of searching through glove compartments, pockets, wallets, purses and cell phone directories for a person's name and for contact information for someone who can help them get the person the medical care they need. This contact information is critical in an accident because Florissant medical workers need to know about allergies and potential drug interactions. Also, in Missouri, some medical treatments can't be provided without authorization or consent, and there can be insurance and billing issues if the person's medical care is not properly arranged. ICE provides a solutio ... read more