Posted on 11/1/2018
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Everywhere across our fair nation, families are preparing to spend time together over the holiday season. There are a lot more cars on the road right now, which means there are some extra tips to keep in mind. Here are our top dos and don’ts: Don’t: Drink and drive This one maybe goes without saying, but please designate a driver or else take Uber or Lyft if you plan to drink. It just isn’t worth it! Plan too much There is a tendency to overbook oneself during the holidays. It takes longer to get places, and everyone is stressed. Road rage can be worse this time of year, so take a breath, and remember you don’t have to do it all. Speed The police are out in full force this time of year, and anyway, speeding is dangerous for lots of reasons. Give yourself extra time to course correct and drive at or below the speed limit. Forget to breathe and relax It’s easy to get anxious with all of th ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2018

It’s October, which means it’s time to start thinking about your family’s Halloween plans! Halloween falls midweek this year, which means we will all want to get our little ghouls to bed on time. Here are some family-friendly options. Go to one, or hit all three in addition to trick-or-treating in your neighborhood! The City of Florissant will be hosting their annual Halloween party from 6-8pm at James Eagan Center, for residents of Florissant only. You must present proof of residency at the door. This is an event for families and kids 12 and under. This is a fantastic event, replete with refreshments, games, prizes, and contests, etc. Best of all, it’s free! First Christian Church will be holding their annual Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 27, 3-5pm. Lee-Hamilton School will also be holding their annual Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 28, 6:30-7:30. As always, make sure to have pre-determined meeting points and times if you let your ... read more
Posted on 9/1/2018
Winter is coming, and we don’t just mean the season finale of Game Of Thrones. We mean the actual winter, where there is snow, and ice, and stuff like that. You know, that time of year when we have to use our credit cards to see out our windows, and where we bemoan our frozen existences while driving to our places of employment. What’s a responsible motorist to do in the face of this rude interruption to autumnal festivity? Check all fluids. Make sure your vehicle is well lubricated: even in the winter, the coolant needs topping, the brakes need plenty of fluid, you want to check the oil, and let’s not forget the ever-present transmission. Check tires You’d never venture into the realm of ice without good shoes, so why would you send your trusty vehicle out without good tires? Get your tires the love they deserve by bringing them to us for a quick check on alignment, as well as a measurement on how the treads are holding up. Check suspension ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2018

August means preparing for another school year. If you have teens beginning to take on more responsibility by driving themselves to school or other activities, you may be wondering how you can help keep them safe on the roads. It can be a scary proposition to send your kids out driving. Here are some ideas to help. Most importantly, talk to your kids. Talk to them individually about staying safe on the roads, and what they will do in a given scenario (say, for example, if they are pulled over, or rear-ended.) This can go a long way towards empowering your teens to make safe choices. Peer pressure: Discuss with your kids what they should do if they find themselves in an unsafe place situation with friends. What will they do if one of their friends is texting while driving, driving erratically, or playing the music too loud? Is your teen able to speak up for themselves? Buckle up: Every passenger, every time. No excuses--no one gets to ri ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2018
We can’t believe how fast the year is going. Spring is almost coming to a close, as the grass is green, the flowers have bloomed, and the sky seems to be a permanent shade of brilliant blue. The temperatures are going to continue to rise, and the sun continues to shine, as spring turns into summer. And summer means school is out, and most of us are already planning our summer vacations and road trips. Before you embark on your adventure, make sure your vehicle is ready to go. Get your car ready for summer vacation with these 10 tips: Don’t forget your tires. Your tires are one of the most critical components of your vehicle that if damaged or worn can jeopardize your safety. Bring your car to Gary’s Auto Service, and our technicians can take a look. Your brakes are imperative to the safety of you, your family, and your vehicle, and during winter, your brakes suffer through a lot of abuse. Give your car a little extra TLC with a car wash. Get ... read more
Posted on 5/1/2018
In the merry month of May, when all the trees are in bloom, our thoughts turn to the wide open road. With the rough winds of winter behind us and summer upon us, there’s really no better time to plan for that great American tradition: The road trip! Read on to learn Gary’s Auto’s hot tips for planning an epic road trip that won’t get you stranded! First of all, check your fluids! Make sure that your power steering and brake fluids are topped off--and clean. Nothing would be worse than getting stuck miles from civilization and realizing your power steering has gone the way of the dodo because of lack of fluid! Secondly, take a look at climate control. We all remember those miserable trips in the family station wagon, going down some remote highway with all the windows down in 100-degree heat, because there was no AC. Well, 1985 called, and it wants its roadtrip back. But you can’t keep the family cool if you don’t keep your coolant l ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2018
Springtime is a perfect time to get your car serviced. The rough winds of winter have subsided and the blooming flowers are beginning to dust us with pollen, making April (National Car Care Month) an ideal month to make sure your vehicle has everything it needs to run safely and reliably. Think of it as spring cleaning for your vehicle! You wouldn’t let your house go for years without cleaning or making repairs, would you? The same goes for your car. Come on out to Gary’s Auto Service in Florissant, MO, where we can provide all the auto repair services you need to be ready for a fabulous spring and summer. Our certified auto technicians will evaluate the needs of your vehicle and get you back behind the wheel! Plus, we have a waiting room with WiFi and loaner vehicles for your convenience. Who wants to deal with the nuisance of being without wheels for a day or more? At Gary’s Auto Service, we believe that there’s no need for your life to come to a screeching ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2018

Like people, cars need to breathe clean air. Because dirt, dust, and pollen can be taxing on your engine, it's critical to check your car's air filter. It's often neglected even though it's one of the easiest and cheapest repairs you can do on your car. When your air filter is dirty, air can't get to the engine and this causes much more fuel to be used up. Keeping away the dirt and debris that causes wear and tear will prolong the lifespan of your engine and the amount of cash you fork over at the gas station. Internal combustion engines require air to perform. Fuel doesn't burn without oxygen to give that igniting force that allows the engine to get powered up. The air needs to be as clean as possible for your engine to run optimally. This is why a clean air filter is essential. The filter is made of porous, paper-like material that catches and prevents dirt from reaching the engine while allowing the clean air to pass through.   ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2018
Happy New Year! This year resolve to do something different: Let Gary’s Auto Service help you take better care of your car. At Gary’s Auto Service, we understand that you’re busy and that scheduling and keeping regular vehicle maintenance appointments can be a pain. That’s why we offer complimentary shuttle service, loaner cars, and night drop-off opportunities. Regular preventative maintenance prolongs the life of your vehicle and helps you avoid more expensive repairs down the road. Everyone at Gary’s Auto Service wants you to get more from your vehicle, for fewer dollars, with less hassle. Our comprehensive maintenance services will help you do just that. And let’s face it, committing to ongoing maintenance is definitely less of a hassle than being stuck on the side of the road or in some parking lot after dark. &nb ... read more
Posted on 12/1/2017

Happy Holidays from everyone at Gary’s Auto Service! We know the holidays are really about rejoicing with those you love and that holiday shopping really should be an afterthought. But the gift of giving can bring you great joy, especially when you know you’re getting the right gift for that special person. Think about it. For a couple of hours, you’re actually thinking about making others happy. How cool is that?! You anticipate their smiling faces when they realize that, rather than buying a quick gift card (because, after all, they know what they really want), you took the time to consider who they are and what they might like. That’s the joy of gift giving. The art of giving them something they would not ordinarily buy for themselves, perhaps something they never even heard of. It is with that in mind, we wish you an imaginative, rewarding gift-shopping experience and offer these ideas for the car lov ... read more