Posted on 2/1/2017

At Gary’s Auto Service, there’s no shortage of car lovers on our staff. In fact, we consider ourselves experts on the subject! So, we thought we’d share a few ideas about what to get the car enthusiast in your life for Valentine's Day. By the way, if these gifts are a hit, we'll be happy to take all the credit. But if your Car Enthusiast's Valentine's Day gift is not well received by your sweetheart, you're on your own, buddy. :-) Car Speedometer Cufflinks Although cufflinks are generally worn at the classiest of occasions, we know several mechanics and drivers who would get dressed up just to wear these! Just a hint, order early as the cufflinks might take a lo ... read more
Posted on 1/2/2017

This January we’re so excited to announce that you can get a free multi-point vehicle inspection. Not only that, but all services are 10% of this month! The multi-point inspection includes a top-to-bottom check for your vehicle. We think that the best way to start off the New Year is to get to know exactly what your car needs! What’s the special occasion? Well, on January 10th it will be Mike Moehlenkamp’s 10th anniversary of owning Gary’s Auto Service! To mark the occasion, let’s take a look back at where our favorite head mechanic started. Mr. Moehlenkamp started working in automotive technology and management as a fleet supervisor for a phone company. With a stroke of luck and brilliance, his initiative to bring the phone company’s fleet service in-house proved successful, and Mike was promoted to being a supervisor of five shops! However, he came to find out that some of the phone company’s business practices weren’t his style. Late ... read more
Posted on 12/1/2016

It’s the holiday season and many are on the hunt for the perfect gift. Since there are so many advertisements promoting what you should buy, we thought we’d take another direction. Here are the top five gifts you should not purchase for your wife or husband, unless they specifically asked for it. Even if they did ask for these things, purchase them a little something extra, just to be on the safe side. What Not to Get Your Wife: Vacuum Cleaner Laser Hair Removal Something He Really Wants (like a barbecue grill or a new video game) Pots and Pans Car Accessories What Not To Get Your Husband: Books on “Healing Your Emotional Self” Exercise Balls Acne Solution Kit Teddy Bears Something She Really Wants (like tickets to see Celine Dion in concert) Whatever you decide to purchase for your spouse this holiday season, we urge you to get them something they would truly enjoy and appreciate. If you want to keep your marriage a ha ... read more
Posted on 10/29/2016

November is the time of year we expect the weather to have rapidly falling daily high temperatures. It may be a pleasant 62 degrees one day, followed quickly by the season’s first snow. As a result, November is the optimal time to prepare your vehicle for Winter weather. You want to make sure your vehicle is prepared ahead of time because you don’t want to hassle with a dead car on a snowy day. Gary’s Auto Service in Florissant, MO, will be happy to make sure your vehicle is fully prepared for the harsh temperatures of Winter. Here are some of the things we’ll do to get your car ready: Test your battery. Winter can be hard on a car battery, so we’ll test your battery to make sure it’s fully charged and functioning properly. Improve your visibility. We will check your windshield wipers to make certain they are functioning properly; giving you clear visibility. We can also polish and restore your headlight lenses to make sure ... read more
Posted on 10/26/2016
At Gary’s Auto Service, it is an understatement to say we love cars. We love working on them. We love driving them. We love what they represent. We even love how they participate in the many Halloween festivals in the Florissant / St. Louis region. For those who are new to the area, we have a Halloween tradition called Trunk-Or-Treat. Trunk-Or-Treat is where trick-or-treating is done from parked car to parked car in a local parking lot, often at a school or church. In the Greater St. Louis Area, there are several Trunk-Or-Treat events going on this Halloween weekend. Community Fall Fest & Trunk or Treat When: Oct. 30, 2016, from 4 - 6 PM Where: Kidzone Children’s Ministry, 12465 Olive Blvd., St. Louis, MO, 63146 Trunk or Treat at First Baptist in Arnold When: Oct. 30, 2016, from 4 - 7 PM Where: First Kids of First Baptist Church of Arnold, 2012 Missouri State Rd., Arnold, MO, 63010 Trunk or Treat at Second Baptis ... read more